Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sha sha girls!

While we were in San Diego, my sister gave Ruby some old scarves to wear over her braids when she's sleeping. It helps keep the braids looking nice for a longer time. Anyhow, after wearing one of her "new" scarves the first night, she woke up and came to see me in the morning. She had the brightest look on her face when she said, "Mama, I remember this! In Africa this called sha sha! When you wake up you put under your pillow then wear again at night!" It's funny how small things can trigger a memory and then she gets so excited about the recollection. So, last night after I braided Ruby's hair she decided her sisters needed to wear a sha sha too. Here they are! :-)
P.S. I'm not even sure if "sha sha" is Amharic, Oromo, or Hadiya. If anyone has any idea, please let me know!


Lori S said...

I'll have to ask Faven about that word tomorrow. My girls love to wear scarves too! They can also be seen with shirts on their heads--especially Diborah. She thinks it makes her look like she has long beautiful hair! She's funny!

Chris said...

Love the "Sha Sha Girls!!" Oh the giggling, high pitch screaming and snuggles you must be a part of everyday. What a joy!! I am so happy for you!! It is so good to have our kids home. Far greater than anything I could have dreamed up for prayed for!!

Rebecca said...

Woman!! I LOVE the new pic header! Sha-sha...I love it...I'm going to start calling Ava's scarves that! That girl is ALWAYS putting things on her head...clean laundry, dirty laundry, scarves, whatever! That is so neat that she remembered!

Laurie said...

They are so beautiful in their scarves! And I think you're doing GREAT on the braids - I'm jealous!