Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jonny!

Today, our youngest son turned 18! I hope Jonathan celebrates SAFELY tonight! Here's Jonny...


Lori S said...

He's so cute!
What a big milestone age!

I like the fruit/veggie art! My girls would love that too. You still amaze me with all of your cool ideas!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday and welcome back! I hope you had fun in SD!

Rebecca said...

Happy belated birthday to Jonny! 18...why does that seem so long ago, yet just like it was yesterday?
Your dragonflies are fantabulous! I'm going to copy that one!
Ava prays too. Can't understand a word that she's saying (other than mama, dada and papa) but she's doing it! Nothing like that innocence, huh?!?!
P.S. Thanks for understanding about my duck boots...we gals have to stick together. However, I do think that I may upgrade to crocs. :)