Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dinner Conversation

Tonight's dinner conversation:

Ruby: Mommy you and Daddy live in this house and then get your girls?
Me: Yes, Ruby. Daddy and I lived in this house and then went to China and brought Nora home. Then Nora lived here for a while and then we went to Ethiopia to bring home you and Elizabeth.
Ruby: You wanted three girls because our room has three beds?
Me: No, honey, we got three beds because we wanted three girls. Our hearts told us we had a daughter in China and two daughters in Ethiopia. Se we just followed our hearts and brought you home.
Nora: Mommy, that's crazy. Sometimes you crack me up! (while waving her arms in the air)


Anonymous said...

Too funny...YOU crack NORA up?!!!

MommyBrec said...

I LOVE following your blog! You have such a cute and fun family! Thanks for sharing this story...I sm laughing so hard right now!

Sandee said...

Hilarious! I love it.