Two years ago today, Tony and I sat waiting in a small room on the other side of the world for our first glimpse of our daughter. This is what we saw...

We knew without a doubt that we were the lucky parents of one very special little girl. There simply aren't any words to describe what it feels like to meet your three year old daughter for the first time, nor are there words to explain the love we felt for her even before we first met her.
We took her back to our hotel and played for a long time and then bathed her, put her in her new nightgown, and simply watched her as she slept...with tears in our eyes.

Our first two days together were filled with the wonder of getting to know our beautiful daughter. We went for walks, we swam, we played, we snuggled, we laughed, and we cried.

And now, two years later, Nora is a bright, funny, loving, happy five-year-old. She's so charming that people just seem to be drawn to her. She has taught us so very much, and I also credit Nora with bringing us to Ruby and Elizabeth. It's hard to remember what life was like before Nora. She simply lights up everything around her. My little Min Min.

This brings tears to my eyes! A beautiful and special little girl for a beautiful and special family! So Blessed!
Incredible and precious. Blessings ( :
Ok, I'm going to tell you right now...I've got a lot of catching up to do being out of town for a week. I'll read all your blogs and talk to you later!! I remember when you found Nora. I still have her picture up on our frig. She looks so different now. Love you! Gotta run. They're waiting for me in the hot tub!!
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