On Tuesday, December 22nd, my world got even brighter and even more exciting -- if that is possible! My grandson, Mason Lucas, came into this world at 6:49 pm weighing 8 pounds, and he's 21 inches long. I don't think I'm biased when I say he is amazingly beautiful!

Mason's lungs weren't working properly at birth -- air bubbles formed on the outside of his lungs. He has been in the neonatal intensive care unit since birth, but he's improving every day and doing good. Unfortunately, he will not be home for Christmas. He still has an IV and feeding tube. Please pray for my son and his wife and new baby boy as they go through all the joys and worries that the past two days have brought and the next few will bring. I know it will be hard having their baby in the hospital this Christmas.

Congrats on the new grandbaby! Hope he is home soon!
You guys have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
He is beautiful, Rebecca!! Contratulations, Grandma...again!! Tell Derrek we are so happy for him. I'm glad he's finally home now.
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