Saturday, November 15, 2008

Looks like we'll be eating a lot of venison!

Yep, venison chili, venison stroganoff, venison spagetti, venison stew...

Tony had never hunted deer until last year, so this is his first one. It was an exciting morning. (Sorry Rebecca B. I know it has a face, but it's food.)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! And on the FIRST day of deer season, too!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh....snap!! Well, at least you didn't put up a picture of the poor thing. For that we can still remain buddies and cougars!! HaHa.

Lisa said...

Shoot, I was scrolling down looking for that dressed out deer! Reminds me of HOME in Wisconsin! My mom would cook venison chili and spaghetti thinking I wouldn't realize it wasn't beef... WRONG! Not a huge fan of "springbok" but LOVED deer hunting season!

Linda Story Runnebaum said...

I'm with does have a face. But, like you said, it's food. I'm just glad Greg doesn't shoot anything but the rodents that get into our chicken coop (and I'm not too pleased about that...ha)

Rebecca said...

Yeah, Linda. I think you get emotional when someone kills a bug. You're such a softie!